Un peu d'histoire sur le doudou

The baby comforter is described by the British psychoanalyst Winnicott in 1951 as a transitional object the baby attaches special emotional value and allowing him to soften the anguish of temporary separation from his mother, especially at bedtime.

What is the baby comforter for your child

Its primary function is to reassure your baby who becomes aware that he is a separate person from his mom.
The baby comforter has an important role in his life and distress caused by his disappearance is real.
The soft toy of your baby will help him bear his loneliness waiting for your return and bring him a sense of security in new situations.
Usually your baby will choose to 7/8 months and keep him until the age of 5/6 years, or more, depending on the emotional value he attributes to it.

Why this baby comforter one and not another ?

If your baby chose that particular soft toy that's because it has a texture, color, a particular smell. The smell has a major role since it is the most developed sense in your baby. Acquired over the days and impregnated places and things that are most familiar to him, they will reassure when outside their usual environment.